Thursday, May 8, 2008

No slow boat for us!

You know the saying about taking a "slow boat to China"... well, we opted for a fast jet! and still it is going to be a loooooooooooooooong trip. We leave tonight and get to Beijing Saturday morning. China must really be a long ways away. We have always said that we would "go to the ends of the earth" for our kids... we just didn't believe we'd be taken up on that committment (don't get any ideas, Cam & Katie). Seriously, it will be well worth what ever we have to endure to get over to see 7 of our total 16 family members.

I am totally planning on being able to keep you abreast of our adventures. Hopefully that will be a reality between all the sightseeing, traveling, playing, visiting, eating, shopping and everything else we have on our agenda.

While I'm offline on my across-the-world flight, you can read all about Cam & LaRane's adventure from last week. Just click on "Cam's blog" on my sidebar. You'll get a little preview of the fun we are in for.

Wish us luck and here we gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Barbara said...

Oh good I didn't miss it..
Can't wait to hear all about it.
What do you plan to do on the plane..
be sure to tell us in a post.
Gosh I can feel your excitement in your writing. Have a BLAST!!!!!!
Fondly, B.

Travelin'Oma said...

China is the epitome of foreign to me! I can't wait to hear all your adventures!