Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Good bye and GOOD LUCK!

As I type, half of my family (plus a 20-year old niece) is on a plane MOVING their life to China for a year... that's right I said China!!! Why in the world would anyone disrupt their nice, normal, typical American life to head for such a foreign shakeup? Good question! But I say, "Why not!"

Last summer when Cory and Colton came up from Arizona to spend a few days with us, one of the first things they said was "when we live in China, we get to...." Wow, back up, "what do you mean, When you live in China?" So that was how the big news was broken to us. Now Heidi, Eric and their adorable kids already live "out of state" so I guess "out of the country" isn't much different. We still have to get on a plane to visit them. Besides, we haven't ever been to Beijing. I think we'd love a trip to Beijing!

Thank goodness this world we live in today gets smaller all the time. So with Vonage and computer cameras and email and blogs, we will be able to stay connected pretty much like we did while they lived in AZ.

We really are so excited for them and this whole new adventure they will be having. You know, you can do almost anything or live pretty much anywhere for just one year. I'm just hoping that one year won't turn into 5 or 10 or who knows. So being the supportive parents and grandparents that we are, we are excited for you and for all the great, growing experiences you will be in for. We know you are a strong, capable, smart couple and a loving, tight-knit, supportive family and you will come back from China a stronger, more confident, grateful, appreciative and well-traveled family. Of course, we will MISS them and wish we could see them "more often" just like we always have but until we can be together again, we send them with our love and our prayers. Good bye and GOOD LUCK to Eric, Heidi, Colton, Cory, Quincy, Capri and Conner (and Kylee, of course!) ... see you soon (via the internet!)
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Travelin'Oma said...

What a fabulous adventure!

mama jo said...

that sounds really exciting..wish i was going

Kage said...

I hope there is a THE SWAPPS FROM CHINA blog in the works....so cool.

A said...

I find this blogging experience so amazing because though you and I have never met, live on opposite sides of the country, celebrate our faith from different perspectives, you have been in my thoughts and prayers all week simply because of the China Experience. I tell my children that life's moments all happen for a reason - even when we have to say goodbye for awhile - and I wish you continued peace of mind until you all hug again. Amy