Wednesday, May 20, 2009

So Great to be 8!

Our dear, sweet Quincy turned 8 this month so the official reason for our Phoenix jaunt was to join in the celebrating of her birthday and her baptism into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I cannot believe that she is 8 already! I remember going down to Phoenix for her birth and it just doesn't seem like it was that long ago. It was HOT then too! I stayed 12 days and 9 of those days the heat was over 100 degrees (you might sense my HUGE distaste for hot weather).


Quincy was so excited to be getting baptized. She was literally counting down the minutes from the time she woke up Saturday morning until her Baptisimal service which began at 2 pm. She was in a super good mood and just smiled non stop, which is very evident in our precious family photo. The only way it could have been any better is if the rest of our kids and grandkids could have arranged to get down to PHX too. We knew they were all there in "spirit" regardless.

You may remember that I gave Quincy's two older brothers quilts for their birthdays this past year so I wanted to do the same for her birthday. I got started on this quilt probably back in February because I thought I was going to have to ship it off to China. What a bonus to be able to hand deliver it myself. These bright, colorful, cheery fabrics remind me so much of Quincy's personality. She is always happy and full of enthusiasm for everything. She is always singing; usually a song she has just made up. She has a really beautiful voice (which did not come from our side of the family). Quincy was so appreciative of my gift and she immediately ran to her room and laid it on her bed. It was really satisfying to me to see her sleeping soundly on it every night we were there. Hopefully she can feel my love and hugs each night.

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1 comment:

Travelin'Oma said...

What a darling family! You and Heidi could be sisters. Isn't it fun to add another convert to the family tree? Congratulations to a cute granddaughter.